emilee mae is a native of northcentral Minnesota,
she is a graduate of Minnesota State University, Mankato
with a degree in creative writing (useless, they said it would be).
Growing up emilee was a terrible athlete, but athletic.
She just couldn't focus.
And then she found rock climbing, long-distance running,
and other life-threatening sports. Her one desire, besides seeking adrenaline-pumping experiences, is and was always to be a writer.
emilee lived in Idaho for three-ish years, where she worked as a (insert every job title one can imagine here) and pitched magazine articles like a four-time Olympic softball champ. Do the Olympics even have softball? It has rock climbing now, and that's a big deal.
emilee has traveled to South Africa, Tanzania, Peru (twice), Greece, and other countries mostly for volunteer work, seeking a deeper meaning to life, and spending time learning and studying other cultures.
She started a blog in 2017 that she titled writerlyfe.com.
In this blog, she discussed all the things she was silently struggling with and hoped, for the love of God, that she wasn't the only one struggling with them (relationship issues, heartbreak (extreme heartbreak), loss (unimaginable loss), depression, feeling alone, anxiety, eating too many Oreos, and other mental health matters.
In 2022, she became the co-owner of an apparel brand called Outfit My Life due to a situation that she never imagined she would ever not in a million years have to experience or go through.
emilee was the editor-in-chief of Lake Country Journal from 2019-2022 and is now the managing editor of Rowland Publishing.
She lives in Northwest Florida with her rescue dog, Goldie.
Her favorite name to be called is "TJ's little sister."